UKRI: Tackling infections novel technologies mini sandpit
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Closing date
Call summary
Apply for funding to lead a mini sandpit in the area of novel technologies for tackling infections
You must:
be based at a research organisation eligible for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding
be part of an existing UKRI strategic institute, network or investment with funding until at least 30 September 2025
One award will be made of up to £1.5 million (80% full economic cost (FEC)). The award duration will be 18 months.
Scientific scope
The UKRI Tackling Infections strategic theme aims to use the UK’s interdisciplinary research capability to develop ‘invigorated capacity to attack the major infectious disease challenges that threaten our national and global health, wellbeing, security, prosperity and environments’.
As part of a suite of activities UKRI is supporting a novel technologies mini sandpit to bring in new, disruptive approaches to tackling infections. Complementing the work of the flagship AMR and epidemic preparedness programmes the sandpit would look to pump-prime radical new approaches to tackling infections engaging new communities and capabilities with the challenge.
UKRI is seeking a host for a £1.5 million mini sandpit (or sandpits) to bring new research communities together and fund feasibility studies (£50,000 to £150,000) to test disruptive approaches to tackling infections.
PI eligibility
You can only apply for this funding opportunity if you are the project lead or project co-lead for an existing UKRI strategic institute, network or investment with funding until at least 30 September 2025.
If you are not the project lead you will need the full support of the project lead before applying.
The funding opportunity is administered by EPSRC on behalf of UKRI.