
International Astronomical Union (IAU), INT: Symposium grants

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Call summary

The International Astronomical Union invites applications for its symposium grants. This supports the organisation of symposia by or for union members, addressing key questions and clarifying emerging concepts in the field through invited reviews, invited papers, contributed papers and poster papers. Grants are available for nine symposia, worth up to €20,000 each, with an additional €15,000 for countries hosting a symposium for the first time to assist with organisational support for up to two meetings per year. In the year of an IAU general assembly six of the 9 IAU symposia will be scheduled as GA symposia within the scientific programme of the GA and held at the GA venue. Symposia should normally last for five days.

Scientific scope

Universe Sciences

PI eligibility

Individual members of the IAU, IAU working groups, and IAU commissions may apply.