
BBSRC: Flexible talent mobility accounts

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Call summary

Flexible Talent Mobility Accounts (FTMAs) is committing £3 million over three years to support placements and exchanges for bioscience research staff from and to universities, BBSRC institutes, businesses, policy, or other settings, in the UK and overseas. FTMA will enable cross-sector and interdisciplinary knowledge exchange within the biosciences by facilitating mobility between academic, business, public sector and third sector organisations. The ambition of these awards is to enhance sector porosity and allow movement between fields as well as providing professional development opportunities for bioscience research staff, and supporting staff, at all career stages. Award amount max £330,000 Award amount min --- Amount note Total fund is £3,000,000. The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £412,500 over three years. BBSRC will fund 80% of the FEC. At least 70% of the FEC must support activities within one of the priority areas indicated.

Scientific scope

Antibiotics; Artificial Intelligence; Biological Sciences; Carbon Sequestration; Computer Science & Informatics; Food Science; Medicine & Health; Plant Diseases & Pathology; Sustainable Agriculture; Veterinary Pathology; Zoonosis

PI eligibility

Who is eligible to benefit from FTMAs Any research staff, or supporting staff, working within the biosciences or pursuing an FTMA activity within the biosciences, including but not limited to postdoctoral researchers research technical professionals (including technicians) academic research staff knowledge exchange and commercialisation professionals professional enabling staff staff from non-academic organisations This extends to international and UK staff.