AHRC: Maximising UK adaptation to climate change hub
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Call summary
Apply for funding to establish a coordination and translation hub for the UKRI-Defra co-funded maximising UK adaptation to climate change programme. This funding opportunity will fund the creation of a climate change adaptation hub to provide evidence around how to increase the resilience of people, ecosystems and infrastructure in the UK to cascading climate impacts.
The hub will coalesce the skills and expertise needed from across relevant sectors, to aid the development and where possible, implementation, of a national climate change adaptation plan. Working closely with policy stakeholders the hub will synthesise relevant research, evidence and impact relating to climate change risk and vulnerability and translate this into information on what works in terms of climate adaptation at the local and national scale. The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £5 million. We will fund 80% of the FEC.
Scientific scope
Climate Change & Global Warming; Sustainable Development & Resource Use
PI eligibility
Applicant type Academic Institution; Commercial or Private Sector; Government or Public Sector; Non-profit
Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Mid-Career to Established in Field
Eligibility Note This UKRI funding opportunity is seeking a diverse hub team that includes researchers and innovators covering a broad range of disciplines across the remits of NERC, AHRC, EPSRC and ESRC and beyond, as well as policymakers, practitioners, industry, public engagement professionals and wider civil society.
New collaborations and partnerships are encouraged, especially across disciplines and sectors, as the hub will be required to be transdisciplinary. Full information about the hub team requirements is detailed in the ‘What we’re looking for’ section.
The project lead must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for NERC funding. This includes eligible Public Sector Research Establishments (PSREs) and Independent Research Organisations.