
MRC: UK-Canada regenerative medicine exchange programme

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Call summary

Funding is available to support the travel of researchers from the UK to Canada, or from Canada to the UK. The purpose of the UK-Canada Exchange Programme Awards is primarily to: provide new skills to researchers, including: MSc or PhD students postdoctoral fellows research associates technicians newly independent investigators build new links between UK and Canada-based scientists. The awards will add value to research taking place in both countries by facilitating closer collaboration.

Scientific scope

Exchanges should be relevant to regenerative medicine, defined as the branch of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or tissues. Regenerative medicine includes: the generation and use of therapeutic stem cells tissue engineering the production of artificial organs Research applications focused on cancer must be regenerative in nature, or use stem cells for addressing the proposed problem, or both. Interdisciplinary projects with relevance to regenerative medicine are welcomed.

PI eligibility

Eligibility Note To be eligible to apply for this funding opportunity you must: you must be employed by an eligible research organisation hold a current award with an eligible funder or alternatively, you must have held an eligible award that has ended within the last two years, with an award end date not before 31 August 2021 Each application must be submitted jointly with support from one named principal investigator in the UK and one named principal investigator in Canada. Eligible exchange researchers Exchange researchers may include: graduate students postdoctoral fellows research assistants or research associates newly independent investigators (within five years of their first independent academic research appointment). Newly independent investigators can apply as both the exchange researcher and the named principal investigator.