STFC: Beam time fast-track access – ISIS
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Call summary
The Science and Technology Facilities Council invites proposals for its beam time fast-track access at the ISIS research centre. This provides fast-track access to neutron and muon instruments for academic and industry researchers at the ISIS research centre. UK researchers awarded beam time may also request up to £1,200 per experiment for consumables. Research groups with several experiments may request up to £4,800 and up to £3,000 per experiment may be requested in exceptional cases. Claims can be made for the direct purchase of a sample itself, or for chemicals, including isotopes, that are base materials for the preparation of a sample for an experiment. For the collaborative R&D programme, companies must demonstrate they have deployed in-kind matching funding to the cost of the beam time supplied.
Scientific scope
Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics; Structural Chemistry & Spectroscopy; Particle Physics
PI eligibility
Academic researchers may apply for rapid and Xpress access. UK private sector researchers may apply for rapid or Xpress access in collaboration with an academic partner.