EPSRC: Pre-announcement: Japan-UK joint opportunity in semiconductor research (JST-EPSRC)
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
This international joint funding opportunity will support research projects in the field of semiconductors. Projects will further develop and strengthen the network and research collaboration between UK-based and Japan-based researchers.
Applications will have a principal investigator based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding and a principal investigator based at a Japan research organisation eligible for JST funding.
We envisage funding three projects, starting November 2024. EPSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost (FEC). Projects can be up to 42 months.
It will be held a webinar on 21 March 2024 at 9:00am UK time.
Scientific scope
The funding opportunity will open in May 2024. More information will be available on this page then.
PI eligibility
For support under this funding opportunity, applicants and organisations must be eligible to apply for funding from their respective country’s funding agency.
Applications will have a project lead (previously principal investigator) based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding and a project lead based at a Japan research organisation eligible for JST funding.
The expectation is that the UK project lead and associated costs for UK research would be funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The Japan-based project lead and associated costs for Japan-based research would be funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).