EPSRC: ESRC Responsive mode new investigator round one
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
New investigator grants are designed to allow early career researchers to gain experience of research leadership and management and to formulate their plans for their research careers.
They will provide applicants with an opportunity not only to support their own skill development, but also the skill development of research staff employed on the grant.
Proposals can draw from the wider sciences, but the social sciences must represent more than 50% of the research focus and effort. The full economic cost of your project can range from £100,000 to £300,000.
The ESRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.
Scientific scope
Physical Sciences and Engineering
PI eligibility
The principal investigator for this funding opportunity must be an early career researcher and must be based at an organisation eligible for ESRC funding for the duration of the grant.
The principal investigator cannot hold a professorship or be a current or former principal investigator on ESRC or other UKRI grants, except ESRC postdoctoral fellowships.
Co-investigators are permitted on this opportunity, and encouraged for interdisciplinary applications or where a co-investigator would provide specific technical expertise that is essential to the project. However, it must be clear that the principal investigator is responsible for leading the project.