Royal Society: Entrepreneur in residence scheme
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Closing date
Call summary
The Royal Society, through the science, industry and translation programme, invites applications for its entrepreneur in residence scheme. This enables industrial scientists and entrepreneurs to spend one day a week working in UK universities or non-profit research organisations developing a bespoke project to increase the knowledge and awareness of cutting edge industrial science, research and innovation. Up to 10 awards, worth up to £25,000 each over one year, are available and may cover salary, travel and project costs.
Scientific scope
Physical Sciences and Engineering; Immunology; Pharmacy & Pharmacology; Biological Sciences; Public Health, Health Services & Primary Care; Archaeology; Psychology, Psychiatry & Neuroscience; Nutrition & Dietetics; Spin-Offs & Academic Innovation; Agriculture; Soil Sciences
PI eligibility
Applicants of any nationality who are eligible to work in the UK may apply. They should have a background in science and engineering and may be employed full-time, part-time, self employed or retired. Applications must include a statement of support from the head of department at the host institution and applicants must demonstrate experience of working in science in an industrial research context and experience in at least one of the following: managing university-business collaborations and the translation and commercialisation of research; entrepreneurship, such as company formation and growth or investment; training, coaching or mentoring. Host institutions are typically a single university school or department, however other arrangements are welcomed if justified.