Inno4scale, ES: Inno4scale Innovation Studies
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
This call for proposals targets highest quality research and development studies leading to proof-of-concept demonstrators exhibiting enhanced performance relevant for important applications executed on exascale systems. The call addresses researchers that have identified novel concepts for computational solutions of important numerical problems in scientific applications and use cases which rely on exascale supercomputers. The central goal is the conversion of mathematical concepts for algorithms, for example by a fundamentally new decomposition of a numerical problem for the efficient use of hierarchical memory to exploit heterogeneous and massively parallel computing capabilities of upcoming exascale supercomputer architectures, into proof-of-concept implementations to explore and assess potential performance gains for common HPC applications. Award amount max €200,000
Scientific scope
Proposals and proposed new algorithms will be assessed on the basis of their potential to reduce resource consumption of typical use cases executed on the European supercomputer infrastructure across applications and application domains, which must be clearly demonstrated by applicants.Innovation study activities for the successful proposals are expected to commence at TRL 0-1 and achieve TRL 3-4 by the end of the 12-month study period.
PI eligibility
Eligibility Note Only organisations with head offices based in an EU Member State or in associated countries that are members of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking are eligible to receive funding.
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