
Royal Society: University research fellowships

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Closing date


Call summary

The Royal Society invites applications for its university research fellowships. These enable early-career scientists who have the potential to become leaders in their field to build an independent research career in the natural sciences. This covers all fields of natural sciences, including biological research, biomedical science, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. The objectives of the URF programme are to enable outstanding early career scientists with the potential to become leaders in their field to: Build an independent research career at a UK university or research institution Gain the freedom, time, and long-term flexible support to pursue high-quality and innovative lines of scientific research Develop as research leaders by offering tailored high-quality professional development, networking and engagement opportunities. Submissions from clinically qualified scientists may be considered. The Society does not support clinical or interventional research on humans at the individual or group level, social sciences, or humanities, unless otherwise stated. (Forecasted for next year's call).

Scientific scope

Agriculture, Veterinary & Food Science; Biological Sciences; Engineering; Medicine & Health; Physical Sciences

PI eligibility

Eligibility Note This scheme is open to: Early career, postdoctoral researchers with between three to eight years of actual research experience since their PhD (i.e. date on which the degree was approved by the board of graduate studies) by the closing date of the round. Career breaks will be taken into consideration. Applicants of all nationalities.