
JSPS: FY2024 JSPS and The Royal Society Joint Call for Bilateral Research Projects

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Closing date


Call summary

This supports researchers from the UK and Japan in undertaking joint research projects in the natural sciences. Applications should be sent centrally by the team leader’s research institution in Japan to JSPS Tokyo. JSPS Tokyo does not accept applications from individual researchers and please note that the applicant's affiliated institution may set an earlier, internal deadline to collect and check the format of these applications before forwarding to JSPS Tokyo. Award amount max JPY 6,235,102 Award amount min --- Amount note Duration of Project: 2 years Maximum number of Projects to be supported: 5.

Scientific scope

Bio/Medical; Physical Sciences

PI eligibility

Eligibility Note Japan-based applicants must hold a full-time or equivalent position as a researcher at a university or research institute in Japan that is eligible to receive Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI). UK-based applicants must be researchers based at a university or research institution in the UK.