EPSRC: Network Pluses in Energy to form next generation Supergen Hubs
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Call summary
This funding opportunity is intended to create coherence in emerging areas of renewable energy research to drive forward research in Sustainable PowER GENeration and supply to give the UK a lead in the next generation of these technologies.
Proposals should focus on technology areas that already exist with some critical mass. Each Network+ will aim to create coherence in a research area that is currently absent and will thus enable a future bid to compete for Supergen Hub funding and should include industry engagement in their planning. The full economic cost of your project can be up to £500,000. We will fund 80% of the full economic cost.
Scientific scope
Network+ proposals should focus on an emerging area of renewable energy technology that will enhance UKRI’s Energy and Decarbonisation portfolio and ensure that next generation renewable technologies are more environmentally sustainable than previous approaches.
The current Supergen portfolio consists of three hubs: Offshore Renewable Energy, Bioenergy, Energy Networks and two network+s: Solar Technologies and Energy Storage.
PI eligibility
Applicant type Academic Institution; Commercial or Private Sector; Government or Public Sector; Individuals: Early Career and Emerging in Field; Individuals: Mid-Career to Established in Field; Non-profit
Eligibility Note You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding. Under the UKRI and Research Council of Norway Money Follows Cooperation agreement a project co-lead (international) (previously co-investigator) can be based in a Norwegian institution.