Innovate UK, GB: ICURe Explore
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Call summary
Innovate UK ICURe EXPLORE is a 12-week full-time market exploration programme. This programme is aimed at helping research teams from across the UK to explore technology applications and test value propositions through extensive market engagement globally.
The ICURe Explore programme is designed using lean start-up methodology and funded by Innovate UK. Lean start-up takes the scientific method (hypothesise, test, evaluate) and applies it to business ideas. Your team will learn how to use this approach to test what your potential customers think about your idea, product, or service.
Scientific scope
PI eligibility
Applicant type Academic Institution; Commercial or Private Sector; Government or Public Sector; Non-profit
Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Graduate Student or Pre-doc; Mid-Career to Established in Field
Eligibility Note ICURe Explore is open to research teams in the UK excluding those from incorporated and/or trading companies. This includes, but is not limited to, UK researchers in a public or academic lab, a research institute, an incubator, or a national facility.
We particularly welcome applications from Universities in Wales. We are committed to improving diversity across our programmes and are actively seeking applications from under-represented groups including women, people of colour, those with disabilities, those from the LGBTQI+ communities, and Universities who have not previously participated in our programmes.
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