EPSRC: Manufacturing the future - standard research proposals
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Call summary
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council invites standard research proposals under its manufacturing the future challenge theme. This supports investigator-led proposals from researchers working in the engineering and physical sciences who want to apply their expertise to challenges faced by UK manufacturing. The budget is worth up to £3 million and awards are worth up to £2m each funded at 80 per cent of the total costs. Grants may range from small value, short-term grants for feasibility studies to longer-term awards, such as multi-institution projects, including first grants and networks or workshop funding.
Scientific scope
Work that turns science and engineering research into products and processes that can be used at scale in manufacturing is particularly encouraged.
PI eligibility
The PI must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at the lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation, which may be a HEI, a research institute funded by a research council or an independent research organisation. Collaborations with business and the public sector are encouraged, particularly where they can help research advances and the take-up of results. Collaborations with other universities are also accepted. New investigator awards are also invited for consideration under this scheme. Clinical applicants must be employed or be on a fixed-term contract longer than the proposed project at an NHS trust, hospital, board, primary care trust or general practice.