
EPSRC: Artificial intelligence innovation to accelerate health research

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Call summary

Projects are expected to: work across the nexus of the challenge spaces rather than solely within 1 area to ensure the benefits of this investment reaches as widely into the UK AI research and innovation landscape as possible comprise of cross-disciplinary teams with: technical knowledge of AI, data science and health and wellbeing those who understand how to develop projects that are trusted and responsible, particularly in respect of personal and protected dataInclusion of experts on industry adoption and diffusion of innovation should also be considered take into consideration how the AI tools developed will act as a platform for future applications in health research. For example underpinning future research, infrastructure, or informing wider health programmes or initiatives

Scientific scope

Research scope Applicants should focus on how the technology or methodologies will be developed. This may include (but is not restricted to): technical development broadening application from outside a new technology’s initial use to health research consideration of responsible AI approaches by design Applicants must identify a clear health challenge that will be tackled.

PI eligibility

Apply for funding to develop innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to be applied to health challenges. Proposals from multidisciplinary teams are welcomed within priority areas in AI for health from across the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) remit.