
Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE), EU: Preparatory access for type C and D projects

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Call summary

The Partnership for Advancing Computing in Europe invites applications for its preparatory access for type C and D projects. This offers access to high performance computing facilities to optimise, scale and test codes before applying for project access. Type C access is designed for code development and optimisation with special assistance provided by PRACE experts from the PRACE-IP project to support the optimisation. Type D access allows users to start a code adaptation and optimisation on a PRACE Tier-1 system, as well as Tier-0 computing time towards the end of the project to test the scalability improvements. Projects may last up to six months for type C access and up to 12 months for type D access.

Scientific scope

Computer Science & Informatics; Supercomputers

PI eligibility

Researchers from public and private institutions may apply. Researchers from private companies may apply if the company has its head office or substantial R&D activity in Europe. Project leaders from companies must have an employment contract valid for at least three months after the end of the allocation period.