Alfred P Sloan Foundation, US and other funders: Small-scale experiments that advance fundamental physics
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Call summary
The Alfred P Sloan Foundation, in collaboration with the John Templeton Foundation, the Simons Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, invites letters of intent for its small-scale experiments that advance fundamental physics funding opportunity. The budget is USD 20 million. There is no recommended funding level for this program, but typical project budgets are expected to range between USD 300,000 and USD 1m per year for a maximum of five years.
Scientific scope
This aims to advance fundamental physics by funding high-risk and potentially high-return small-scale experiments that explore physics which has typically been explored at large-scale facilities.
PI eligibility
Established public and private educational institutions and stand-alone research centres may apply. PIs and co-investigators must have a PhD and a tenure-track or tenured position or equivalent at the time of application. There are no citizenship or department requirement for PIs. Applications from scientists from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged. Multi-institutional collaborations are allowed.