BBSRC: Carbon Recycling Network business interaction vouchers
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Call summary
The Carbon Recycling Network, supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, invites applications for its business interaction vouchers. These support collaboration between academic partners and industrial partners within the Carbon Recycling Network framework. The vouchers support a defined piece of work by the academic partner for or with the industrial partner. Vouchers are worth up to £20,000 each for up to six months. The industrial partner is expected to at least match the value of the awarded voucher, either through a cash or in-kind contribution.
Scientific scope
Carbon Sequestration; Environmental Engineering; Waste Recycling, Reduction & Recovery; Climate Change & Global Warming
PI eligibility
The principal investigator must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at the lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation, which may be a higher education institution, a research institute funded by a research council or an independent research organisation. Only members of the CRN, who joined at least three months before the application date, are eligible. New collaborations and collaborations aiming to move research up the technology readiness levels will be prioritised. Awards must focus attention on UK based partners where there is benefit to the UK research base and the UK economy. In exceptional circumstances a voucher may be awarded to a project with an overseas partner company.
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