
Smithsonian Institution, US: Predoctoral fellowships

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Call summary

The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory invites applications for its predoctoral fellowships. These enable graduate students pursuing thesis research in astrophysics or related fields to carry out all or part of their research at the SAO. Fellowships are tenable for at least six months, and may be extended or renewed. Stipends are worth USD 39,000 each for one academic year. Funds may also be available for relocation, travel and other expenses.

Scientific scope

High Energy Astrophysics & Cosmic Rays; Universe Sciences

PI eligibility

US and foreign students may apply. Applicants must have completed preliminary coursework and examinations prior to the start of the SAO predoctoral programme. In addition, they must also gain approval of the department head of their particular university as their degrees will be granted by their home institutions.