
Horizon Europe: Innovative Europe, EU: Women TechEU

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Call summary

Horizon Europe: Innovative Europe, under its European innovation ecosystem programme, invites submissions for its women TechEU call. This provides coaching and mentoring to female founders of deep tech start-ups, as well as targeted funding to help take their business to the next level. Successful applicants receive €75,000 each to support the initial steps in the innovation process and the growth of the company, mentoring and coaching by the EIC Business Acceleration Services, and the possibility to participate in dedicated activities organised by InvestEU and the Enterprise Europe Network.

Scientific scope

Computer Science & Informatics; Engineering

PI eligibility

Applicants must be a woman and be a founder or co-founder of an early-stage deep tech start-up registered and established in an EU member state or Horizon Europe associated country for at least six months at the time of submission. They must hold a top management position in the company.