
EPSRC: Artificial intelligence hubs for real data and for scientific and engineering research

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Call summary

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council invites applications for its artificial intelligence hubs for real data and for scientific and engineering research call. This supports funding for a research hub in either artificial intelligence (AI) for real data or AI for scientific and engineering research. Funded hubs under this programme will be expected to address world-class fundamental research in AI, healthy, diverse and inclusive AI talent and skills pipeline, engage with key stakeholders, inclusivity and work with other funded activities. The total EPSRC funding available for this opportunity will be up to £60 million to fund up to six hubs. The total fund for this funding opportunity is £75 million, EPSRC will fund £60 million of the total (80% FEC). The full economic cost of your project can be up to £12 million. EPSRC will fund 80% FEC. Up to £1 million is available for pump-priming. (Forecasted date for next year's call).

Scientific scope

Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science & Informatics

PI eligibility

Applicant type Individuals: Early Career and Emerging in Field; Individuals: Mid-Career to Established in Field Eligibility Note Research grants are open to UK higher education institutions, public sector research establishments and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) approved independent research organisations and NHS bodies with research capacity.