EPSRC: Transformative healthcare technologies – phase two
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Call summary
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council invites applications for its Transformative healthcare technologies – phase two call. This supports ideas underpinned by science, engineering and emerging technologies in the healthcare space. The total budget is £20 million. EPSRC will fund 80 per cent of the full economic cost. Up to six projects will be funded.
Scientific scope
The healthcare technology grand challenges are currently defined as:
•developing new therapies: focusing on the need to produce safer, more targeted treatments fit for the demands of the decades up to 2050 and beyond;
•expanding the frontiers of physical intervention: the potential to enhance established techniques and develop pioneering new approaches to such intervention that deliver high precision, minimal invasiveness and maximum impact;
•transforming health and care beyond the hospital: meeting the need for novel technologies that enable timely interventions beyond hospital settings and help people manage their own physical and mental health;
•optimising disease prediction, diagnosis and intervention: addressing both physical and mental health with techniques that optimise patient-specific illness prediction, accurate diagnosis and effective intervention.
PI eligibility
Applicants must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding and must have been successful at phase one of the transformative healthcare technologies opportunity to apply. It is expected that the principal investigator of the feasibility project will be the principal investigator on the phase two proposal.