
MRC: Applied global health research

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Call summary

Apply for funding to support research that will benefit the health of vulnerable global populations. We particularly welcome cross-sector research that combines expertise to meet a global health challenge with a health-focused aim. We will accept proposals of all sizes, including large research projects of approximately £1 million and small to medium-scale applications.

Scientific scope

The applied global health research board supports applied research that will be of direct and primary benefit to the health of vulnerable populations. We’re looking for research projects that will develop practical solutions to health challenges. This includes: - ate-stage intervention development - global health trials - implementation and scale-up research - health systems research - health economics - health policy research - research with a predominantly applied focus that does not fit within the remit of other MRC boards and panels. We also welcome cross-sector research that combines expertise to meet a global health challenge within a single proposal, such as: - urban planning - planetary health - health policy - non-communicable disease research. The research question might involve different disciplines and approaches from outside the health sector, but the primary objective must be health focused.

PI eligibility

You can apply for this opportunity if you are a researcher based at an eligible research organisation. These include: - higher education institutions - UKRI-approved independent research organisations or NHS bodies - government-funded organisations - public sector research establishments - MRC institutes - MRC units and partnership institutes (including those in Gambia and Uganda) - institutes and units funded by other research councils - universities or higher education institutions based in low and middle- income countries (LMICs) with degree-awarding powers recognised by the government in which the organisation is based - research focused institutes based in LMICs either funded by the government of the country in which the organisation is based or by a not-for-profit organisation - research focused not-for-profit organisations based in LMICs with dedicated research capacity.