
BBSRC: Strategic longer and larger grants – frontier bioscience

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Call summary

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council invites outline proposals for its strategic longer and larger responsive research grants in frontier bioscience. These support frontier bioscience research that addresses significant fundamental questions in bioscience. Applications are welcomed across all biological scales, particularly those employing quantitative, multi-scale approaches that integrate bioscience research from different sub-fields. Proposals should employ or develop the latest technologies, methods and approaches that will result in world leading capability in bioscience within the UK. The total budget is worth up to £16 million to fund three to five awards. Proposals must be over £2 million and may last for up to five years.

Scientific scope

Biological Sciences. Projects should: •should bring together a diverse multidisciplinary team to address a complex challenge; •should have the potential to deliver transformational impact across the biosciences; •must improve our understanding of the fundamental ‘rules of life’ that govern biological systems.

PI eligibility

The PI must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at the lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation, which may be an HEI, a research institute funded by a research council or an approved independent research organisation. The inclusion of early-career researcher co-investigators within teams is encouraged.