NERC: Exploring the frontiers of environmental science research
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
The Natural Environment Research Council invites applications for its call on exploring the frontiers of environmental science research. This supports the exploration of new ideas and approaches that may open up novel paths of research or result in discipline-shifting discovery in environmental science. Proof-of-concept research projects are eligible, as are those tackling a problem that can be constrained to a shorter duration award than NERC’s pushing the frontiers funding stream. The budget is £4 million. The full economic cost of each project may be up to £100,000, with NERC covering up to 80 per cent of this. The grant duration can be flexible.
Scientific scope
Environmental Science
PI eligibility
Research groups and individuals may apply. The principal investigator must be a resident in the UK, employed by a UK research organisation eligible for NERC funding and be at least a lecturer level or equivalent. Multidisciplinary research and collaborations with other UK organisations are encouraged. International and non-academic collaborators can be involved as project partners.