
EPSRC: UK Catalysis Hub phase III

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Closing date


Call summary

This funding is to consolidate capacity in catalysis research and widen stakeholder engagement to empower this community to deliver integrated and ambitious programmes of collaborative and adventurous catalysis research that address UK net zero and sustainability priorities. The UK Catalysis Hub 2024 to 2031 will deliver high quality, inter or multi-disciplinary catalysis research that underpins relevant engineering net zero priorities. It is expected to: - increase the visibility and engagement of catalysis research across the UK and internationally with academics, industrialists, and other stakeholders, facilitating effective advocacy for fundamental and applied catalysis research. - broaden its areas of focus and facilitate a step change in bringing multidisciplinary communities together to enable new and novel catalytic methodologies that underpin net zero. This includes drawing in relevant communities who are typically funded by other councils other than EPSRC. -deliver a core programme of internationally leading and inter or multidisciplinary research that delivers novel and enhanced capabilities with the potential to transform the UK’s catalysis science and technology portfolio. - invest up to £2 million in state-of-the-art strategic equipment, infrastructure and/or technique development that addresses an identified community requirement that enhances world-leading catalysis research. The location(s) of this investment should be chosen to maximise its impact. - implement a flexible fund to create strategic advantage by supporting feasibility studies for high-risk ideas and collaborations that have the potential to lead to radically new and disruptive approaches.

Scientific scope

Catalysis & Chemical Reactions

PI eligibility

Eligibility Note Applicants must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding. A project co-lead (international) (previously co-investigator) can be based in a Norwegian institution.