
STFC: STFC Accelerator Institute Grant Review

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Call summary

Proposals are sought from the Cockcroft and John Adams accelerator institutes for programmes of activities in advanced and novel acceleration. Proposals should outline a vision for the future and detail a scientific and technical approach to deliver it. These should be supported by summaries of the resources available to and required by the institutes, as well as the management structures, that will enable the realisation of identifiable outputs and outcomes. The Cockcroft Institute is a partnership between the universities of Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester and Strathclyde and the Science and Technology Facilities Council, devoted to the development and construction of particle accelerators and intense sources of radiation for pure and applied research.

Scientific scope

Particle, Plasma & Nuclear Physics

PI eligibility

Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Mid-Career to Established in Field Eligibility Note Applicants must currently form part of either the Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology or the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science.